Success Rules 31 to 40 

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." -Margaret Mead

31. Your network is your net worth 

Unlock the hidden power of connections for wealth and you see the difference in your life. 

32. Do not have the’ get rich quick’ mentality 

Why most people will fall prey to scams like the gold investment scheme? Because they want to get rich quickly but not willing to put in the effort to make the money. Remember nothing falls from the sky. 

33. Understand the time value of money 

It’s about how much you make per hour that matters more than how much you make overall. An investment banking job may not be the best choice in the world, because you are essentially selling your soul for it. The 100-hour workweek is insane, as this merely translates to 15 dollars per hour, not exactly amazing.

34. Life is all about perspective 

Is the cup half empty or half full? This simple question shows how you look at life. Life is never perfect and why not look on the bright side of your life? 

35. You have a choice in life. 

Nothing is truly preordained. Your decisions you make today shape your future. 

36. Have a vision board 

that allows you to stay focused on what you truly want in your life. Only by knowing specifically what you want, can you manifest all this. 

37. Your first appearance is everything 

Do you know there is a saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” This is because most people do exactly that. By dressing well you actually attract the right people towards you, and after all, your network is your net worth. 

38. Practise Meditation 

Do not underestimate the power of meditation. Personally, I practice 15mins of meditation every single day and this helps me to clear my mind and stay focused on my goals on my vision board. 

39. Be humble 

Do not discount anyone in your life. Always be humble, and always be learning. Most people come from a humble background and work their way up. 

40. Ready, aim

If you are thinking of doing something today, don’t wait until you are 100% prepared or certain before you do it. As ironic as it sounds, it can be possible to fire before you aim. Try it first, and calibrate it after your first failure. The truth is most people are so fearful of this first step that they refuse to take the first step out of their comfort zone.


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