SUCCESS RULES  :11 UP TO 20  Episode :2

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

11. Take action

When is the right time to take action?NOW is the time to take action. No matter how motivated you are currently by the I have written, please apply these rules and start taking action. It is the difference that makes the difference.

12. Transforming your limiting beliefs

Take time to figure out what is holding you back from achieving your dreams from time to time and work on transforming your limiting beliefs into positive thoughts. Do not let your limiting beliefs hold you back.

13. Delayed gratification

We live in the world of instant gratification where we want to have the cake and yet eat it. Everything requires some passage of time and work for things to work out. Think of it as planting a seed, and waiting for the tree to be nurtured.

14. Live simply

Remember what I say that being successful is about having about time and money? By living simply, you will realize that you do not need to be a billionaire to be successful.

15. Be a giver, not a taker. Add value to people’s lives instead.

Instead of always taking, think of ways such that you can add value to the world instead. One of the reasons why I decided to write this is because I felt indebted to the world and people around me. I was lucky enough to be born in Singapore, lucky enough to be given a chance to be educated. All I did better than everyone else is to make full use of the opportunity presented to me – the difference that made the difference.

16. Look for good mentors and role models

I cannot emphasize this enough, find an excellent mentor. They probably have been through whatever obstacles you have been facing. Even if you have to pay for a mentor, if he is the real deal, it is worthwhile as your potential failures can cost you much more.

17. Build a support group

On your way to success, you are going to face a lot of obstacles and if you give up, you will not succeed. Besides finding your reason why you want to succeed, having a support group of your family and friends can help you pick yourself up in the darkest hour because they believe in your goals and dreams.

18. Learn the art of persuasion or selling

Sell or be sold. If you have not realized it, you selling something every single day. You sell your time to your job, you sell yourself to your prospective partner, and so on. Therefore, the art of persuasion or selling is crucial for success. Almost everything you wanted is probably a few sales away.

19. Pareto’s 80/20 Rule

80% of the peas harvested in a pea garden is produced by 20% of the pea pods. This startling fact in life suggests that something is worth doing more than others because it produces a greater result. Understand this rule and you can focus on the 20% that can give you 80% of your success.

20. The 1% Rule

Do not overestimate your competitor. Only 1% of the people who dream about it dares to take action, so by taking action, you are already ahead. Who knows, you may end up being the chosen one. Life often has its ways to reward the bold.







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EMAIL.      : denisjenson

No. : 0765911413


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